Game street fighter 4
Game street fighter 4

game street fighter 4

I couldn't be entirely sure if Street Fighter 4 would hold up with extended play and there was no way of knowing if one of the characters (perhaps a certain Muay Thai fighter) would turn out to be overpowered. It didn't seem right to fire off my first 10 so early in the game. It's a decision I've always partially regretted.

game street fighter 4

In the end, I scored Street Fighter 4 a nine. I thought the game was one of the most masterful sprite to polygon adaptations I'd ever seen, and although I'd barely scratched the surface of the Focus Attack system, its versatility was clear. It was running on a single arcade cabinet, and with a few members of the UK fighting game community also in attendance, a long afternoon quickly turned into a winner-stays-on format where everyone was trying to combo into an Ultra. It was just before the game launched in Japanese arcades back in 2008, at Capcom's old offices in Hammersmith. I can still clearly remember the first time I played Street Fighter 4, for what would be one of the first reviews I ever wrote for a games magazine. Oh, and a quick disclaimer - since writing this, Matt Edwards decided he loved Street Fighter so much that he now works at Capcom, where he can take lunchtime trips to Hammersmith's Pret with Ken and Ryu every day. You can find our review of Ultra Street Fighter 4, the version which is coming to PlayStation 4, here, and Digital Foundry will be taking a full look at the port over the weekend. Editor's note: Street Fighter 4 comes to PlayStation 4 in Europe today, and to mark the occasion we're reprinting this look at the first five years of Capcom's modern classic, first published last year.

Game street fighter 4